Monday 19 December 2016

How to Improve your Day!

There are days when one feels low and sad for no reason. No matter how much you think you just can’t find any reason for your mood. Those are the days in which doing something you enjoy or you like or doing something new would uplift your mood. It might not resolve the reason for your low mood but It will atleast deviate your mind. 
Words for Thought!

Below are the ways I change my bad day into a good day:
1.      Drink Tea
2.      Listen to the latest music
3.      Dance around while doing chores
4.      Have random talks with yourselves, out loud
5.      Wear clothes in which you feel good- it can be the latest outfit you bought or your pajamas
6.      Take pictures of yourself
7.      Write. Just about anything. Grab a paper(anything to write on) and pen and let the words flow
8.      Do something new. Even if it is wearing your hear in a new style or applying the new scent lying in your cupboard
9.      Try a new recipe. Make the usual meal with a new twist.
10.  Sit outdoors- in your lawn, under the sky/stars
11.  Sit alone. Pause everything around, even your thoughts. Close your eyes and just sit.
12.  Bake! Even if it’s the Betty Crocker Cake Mix

Try any one of them and notice the change it brings. Sometimes a small act can change everything around!

Enjoy your Day!

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