Thursday, 3 April 2014

Cherish the Delights (Dated: 13-June-2010)

Another one of my Freelance work.
Published on 13-June-2010 in Sunday Plus by The Nation

"Life is marked by different phases. One ends, another starts instantly. One believes and hopes the next will be better than the last one. But what one fails to acknowledge is that every part has its own characteristics and events. It’s you who fail to accept and ends up blaming life.

Life is full of wonderful events and beautiful memories. It’s your perception/viewpoint which makes its disastrous for you. Childhood is the most initial phase with fading memories in your mind. The stupid acts, those pranks and plays, the childhood games, the nursery rhymes, mom’s lap to play, fights with your spouse…..the list is endless. But if you remember how your mother spanked you on doing something wrong or how your mother favored your kid sister/brother than you are wrong for ignoring the delightful memories.
The teenage life. Well it is the most difficult time for the one who is passing through that stage. Only he/she understands how he/she feels, or I would say that’s what every teenager believes. Teenagers tend to forget that our elders once went through the same stage and they also understand what you are going through. The only difference is that they are now elders and therefore unable to understand teenage problems, as teenagers believe. “Things are different now”, is the ending statement of every argument of teenagers. The best part of this phase of life is the changing approach towards life. Your friends, your free life, the school time, your crushes, your attempt to look the most beautiful girl/ boy around, the so- called diet ( which you start every week), the utterly difficult geometry problems, the neutrons and protons of physics, the indecipherable diagrams of biology and yes the chatting on msn, the fake email ids to fool your friend and the who’s who on social networking sites. These memories are more clear and the ones which you will cherish upon, for life time. But again if your forego these memories and think about how your parents put restrictions on you for hanging out late at night with friends, and never forgive your parents for that, than that’s you who is spoiling all the delights of teenage memories. Parents put restrictions all the time, because THEY ARE PARENTS. Its up to you how you go through them.
Adulthood. This phase is like a fresh beginning of your new life, and the most prominent event in this phase is ‘university life, career and marriage’, in chronological order. You are now amongst the same people, like in school, but with a different every one and with a different perspective of everything. The bunks, the late night projects, the hangouts with friends, laughter and cries with friends, taking pictures of every occasion, no more parents restricting to come back home at 7 p.m., the endless gossips, the internships, the struggle for jobs, the interview room frights, the celebrations, the proposals, the engagements ceremonies of friends, the sleepovers…again the list is endless.
Again if you remember how your friend shared her secrets more with your third friend than you or your friend scoring more marks than you than again you are ruining your life. Life is very beautiful. The bad events are a part of life. You can do nothing to avoid them. Whether its your actions which cause them to occur or a third person is responsible, they still remain a FACT. It depends on you how you take them. If you highlight the bad parts of your life then life is calamity but if you learn to live through the bad times and enjoy the good times and cherish the good memories forever than life is a sure shot success for you!!"

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