Man is a social animal and the feeling of loneliness can drive him wild. The video further shows that loneliness is actually the result of running towards the idea of self actualization which is measured by career, wealth, self image and consumerism thus leading towards the "THE INNOVATION OF LONELINESS" and making loneliness the number one ailment of the common world. This innovation of loneliness has further been aggravated because of the on line social network. With readily accessible technology, in forms of computers, laptops, tablets and smart phones that are simpler and easy to use, it is easy for people to manage their social lives more effectively which becomes tainted because of the ever demanding self actualization goals. Man has becomes obsessed with the virtual life and over time quality has replaced quantity and conversation have converted into connection.

Hence leading towards loneliness which is the result of the absence of actual conversations with friends which cannot take place in a virtual environment. In actual conversation one cannot edit or delete or pretend. As the result of the obsession with the social network people try to present their optimal/desirable image of themselves spending hours making their on line profiles more and more presentable.
The social networks are not just changing what people do but also who they are by attacking man in its mostvulnerable aspect i.e. loneliness. To cut short this loneliness, social networks offers us 3 most gratifying fantasies-1) You can focus all your energy where you want 2) You will always be heard 3) You will never be alone.
People use technology to define themselves. They slip into to be thinking that by staying connected they will be less lonely but by doing this they put themselves at risk because if one does not know how to be alone he/she will always be lonely.
P.S. I have an objection with the title. Why Facebook only? The word Facebook should be replaced with social media. This video in actual is about what Social Network is doing to our brain. Hence the title "What Social Network is doing to our Brain"
The video is available at https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=629100760501903
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