Monday 8 July 2013

Good vs Bad

Sometimes life goes in a stagnant phase.

No good no bad just the same.

And this “same” eventually becomes bad for you. You cannot live in one specific phase forever. Whatever you do, whatever you wish for or whatever you plan, you just cannot change your circumstances. At this point you think that if you had not practiced the so-called-religious-rules-of-life you would not have landed in this particular situation. At this point of time in life you wish you had defied the rules. You wish you were the bad person in the eyes of society. You wish you had tasted the enjoyment of being bad. Then, atleast, this monotonous-never-ending-twisted-phase-of-life never would have happened.

The regret of "being good" kills you from inside, as one cannot imagine living in a life of regrets because of the good choices you made! This gives you the realization that living life by the rules or living life practicing good, does not frees you from any regrets or disappointments. This type of life showers you with a different set of challenges which often dawns heavier clouds of disappointments with yourself!



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