Puppets of the society |
We all are
puppets of the society. We
the way the society wants us to act. We
the way the society wants us to live. We
what the society wants us to see. We
what the society wants us to feel and we
what the society wants us to hear.
Society here does not represent
any big players or an influential party, it means we all. You, me, the person
sitting next to you right now, your next door neighbour, a random girl from a
restaurant…everyone is society. Individuals like you and me make up the
No matter what our values are,
what we think and no matter what we believe is right, we all end up acting the
way the society demands from us. Haven’t you stopped laughing loudly in a
gathering, just because people eye you strangely? Even though you are just
acting out of the moment, but the dubious eyes of people around you made you
change habits. Making you act the way the society wants you to act.

You can not wear a burka, just
because you don’t want to be the target of everyone’s judgemental microscopic
eyes. And eventually you think otherwise and disregard the thought. Hardly 1
percent of the ladies have the courage to face the world. The rest are just victims
of the society becoming yet another
Eventually making you live the way the society wants you to live.
You think a million times before
hanging out with your friends of the opposite sex, just because such mixed crowds of young people have been
stereotyped by the your society. It not just makes you change your plans but it also
changes your perception. You also start looking at such mixed crowds of young people the way society sees and eventually
you became the victim of seeing what the society wants you to see.
Society Taught Me |
Haven’t you joined the gym, or
considered going to a gym because you think you are over-weight. Infact it’s
not because you think you are over-weight, it’s because the society makes you
feel that way. The people around you make you feel like an outcast just because
you are a little different in terms of body shape and size. In reality you
might not be overweight, but just because you are not like them you are forced
to feel like an outcast and consider becoming like them. And again you end up
becoming a puppet of the society forcing you to feel the way it wants you to
No matter what we claim or what we think, we end up doing what the

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