Wednesday 18 September 2013

I HAVE NO TITLE: Growing Old ?

I HAVE NO TITLE: Growing Old ?: Do we really grow old or we just learn to accept the realities of life? Have you ever thought that if it had not been for the ups and dow...


I HAVE NO TITLE: Illusion: Living is all about moving on and letting go. You cannot hold on to a person or an emotion or one single activity or a luxury forever. You...

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Growing Old ?

Do we really grow old or we just learn to accept the realities of life?

Have you ever thought that if it had not been for the ups and downs along with the happy and harsh times/events of life, you  might still be living as a teenager or a child. Does this brain of ours also grows old with us or is it the experiences of life that gives our brain this maturity?

What if we stop thinking and do whatever we want to do, irrespective of our age, gender, class and religion? People will call us crazy. Well of-course. If they see 30 year old fully grown up man taking rides in McDonalds play area people WILL call him crazy. People believe what they see. What they don't know is that he is following his heart, doing whatever he wants to do and enjoying. Ask yourselves, if you see a Muslim praying to Jesus or praying in a Hindu Temple you will think he/she has lost it. You believe what you see. You will start judging him/her because of his actions. What you might not know, that he is just doing it out of curiosity or just to witness other religion's ceremonies and to compare them with his/hers.

This all depends upon what you think. If you start caring about these judgmental eyes of people around you you will stop doing what your heart wishes. Then you eventually learn that one cannot do what he/she wishes or wants. That is the time your thoughts change direction. Its not the brain that grows old its your thoughts that change lanes. And these thought are not in born. this is what you learn during the course of life.

So whatever you are today is what you choose to be.