Wednesday 26 December 2012

Chapter 1

Everyday life opens up with a new chapter. You wake up to a bright day with a fresh mind and clear thoughts. Then why the hell am I not feeling fresh, Vivian asked herself. This is the first thing that comes to her mind after waking up. She read this line somewhere maybe a magazine or a book or possibly some article she read online, but couldn’t recall.

Rubbing her eyes with one hand and finally dismissing the alarm after snoozing it twice Vivian got out of bed and headed towards the washroom. Looking at her in the mirror, while brushing, with the tap running, the same statement came back to her. Who writes such things in today’s world? Must be some optimistic idiot of ancient time whose life revolves around sand castles of flowery bookish words and phrases. As if they could run their lives from these flowery words. Waste of intelligence. Vivian shook her head to erase the thought from her mind, rinsed her mouth and headed towards the dressing room.
With the regular fake smile on her face she entered her office, greeting people on her way towards the second floor. Once seated she fired up her laptop, got tea from the kitchen and started the daily work. The day went by, chatting around with colleagues, ignoring people’s unnecessary attitude, absorbing boss’s rude orders, listening to people’s distressful life stories, attempting to avoid dirty office politics, bearing unfair treatment of peers, cracking jokes here and there, pulling each other’s leg and the day passes.
6 30 exiting the office building and rushing back home maneuvering her car through the traffic, Vivian prayed to reach home in time to avoid scolding for being late. Luckily she did. After dinner and a couple of hours with family she got ready for bed. And that’s the time she fears the most when all her scary thoughts and feelings and observations come to haunt her. She was living a robotic life; following one boring routine, doing same monotonous work and bearing the same damn attitude of people. There was a time when every morning she woke up with new zeal fervor in her blood, keen determination in her mind to start the day with a new perception. There was a time when she used to look forward to go to sleep and wake up next day to start afresh. 
What happened to me? Vivian questioned herself that day. Is this the life I desired and worked so hard all my life, to achieve? Is this the life I always dreamt off while working day and nights in university, spending endless sleepless nights over project and presentations to achieve grades in order to earn a better job and an improved living?
Her life was a mess; personal and professional both. She was living like a robot with all feelings shutdown and passing everyday like standing on a bridge where she does not want to continue the path on the bridge; and cannot even jump, in fear of losing everything she has right now. No doubt what she is going through, it’s the only thing which keeps her going on in life and she cannot risk losing it.
Is it worth it? she thought. Isn’t my life going to be better off without all the stress, mental tension, depression and sadness?
Well only time would tell. Brushing away all weird thoughts, she pulled the blanket over her head drifted off to sleep.